Version: 1.0.0
Category: VP 9.x B2S Cabinet Tables (B2S)
Author(s): JPSalas, Maceman, Rosve
Mod of JP's Yellow Submarine
An original table (sort of) from JPSalas. Aesthetics and music mod by Maceman. B2S background by Rosve. Thanx to Starman as well for some graphics i used that come from his collection of fine graphics!!!!
This was a BETA release from JP some time back, he made it by looking at 2 photographs, which can be viewed by scrolling down on this page:
In order to have full enjoyment, the following MP3 files from the movie will need to be added from your own CD collections:
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine.mp3
The Beatles - All Together Now.mp3
The Beatles - Only A Northern Song.mp3
The Beatles - Its All Too Much.mp3
The Beatles - All You Need is Love.mp3
The Beatles - Hey Bulldog.mp3
The Beatles - Across the Universe.mp3
You need to makes sure you rename your MP3's to the exact names as shown above, and add them to your Music folder under Visual PinballMusic
I also made sure that if there was any sound before the music started in an MP3 (ie, All you need is Love'' has some talking at the start), that i deleted that and just started the song from the music. If you have any questions, let me know and i will help you set it up. Trust me, you want the music!!!
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Submitted by maceman, on Apr 3 2012, 02:26 PM
Edited by maceman, 04 April 2012 - 02:49 AM.