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Visual Pinball


Visual Pinball

Visual Pinball Engine - Updates, Support, Discussion

  • 7,865 topics
  • 102,279 replies

VR Discussion

  1. Visual Pinball VR Discussion,
  2. Visual Pinball VR Support,
  3. Visual Pinball VR Works in Progress,
  4. Visual Pinball VR - New Releases

Visual Pinball VR - Updates, Support, Discussion

  • 474 topics
  • 4,158 replies

Animated Backglasses

  1. UVP Animated Backglasses,
  2. dB2S Animated Backglasses,
  3. dB2S Player Discussion,
  4. dB2S Designer Discussion

A collection of animated backglasses for use with dual display setups.

  • 2,433 topics
  • 5,386 replies

VPinMAME Recreations - New Releases

Check out the newest table releases by some very talented authors.

  • 2,248 topics
  • 42,486 replies

VP Cabinet Tables - New Releases

  1. B2S Cabinet Tables,
  2. VP Cabinet Tables - MODs,
  3. VP Cabinet Tables - SPANNED

The latest releases for use with two or three screen virtual pinball cabinets.

  • 1,152 topics
  • 19,485 replies

VP Recreations - New Releases

The latest table recreations from earlier eras of pinball history.

  • 1,047 topics
  • 8,745 replies

VP Bagatelle - New Releases

VP9 Bagatelle and Other
A collection of bagatelle and other novelty machines for use with Visual Pinball.

  • 18 topics
  • 76 replies

VP Originals - New Releases

VP isn't just for recreating, check out the latest member-created machines.

  • 992 topics
  • 10,002 replies

VP & VPM MODs - New Releases

The latest MODs of existing tables.


  • 1,057 topics
  • 9,975 replies

VP & VPM - Works in Progress (WIPs)

See what the authors are up to.

  • 1,407 topics
  • 45,736 replies

VP Help Center

  1. Tutorials,
  2. Installation Support Forum

Need help with VP or VPinMAME? Having trouble with creating your own table? Ask the community for some help.

---All requests for help with VP go here---
If it pertains to a specific table, use the Support Topic for that table.

  • 7,130 topics
  • 43,530 replies