Version: 1.0.1
Category: VP 9.x Originals
Author(s): Maceman, JoJo (my son- he's 9)
My first Original Table, made to learn the VP Editor Better (and 2 months later!!)Please have fun!!Many thanks to Noah for offering a VP environment in which to thrive!! Thanx Eala and Sabbat for observations!
Additional authors in my opinion: JPSalas, BOB5453, and Rosve (B2S backglass).
Thanx for all those who helped (listed at top of script) with graphics,scripting, suggestions, etc... Much appreciated!
Please feel free to modify as you wish but please let me enjoy the mods as well!
Thanx all! Enjoy!
Manufacturer: Macepin (2011- )
Alphanumeric Display: Dan (Wizards Hat)
B2S Backglass: Rosve
Notable Features: Rotating Diverter (JPSalas, as modified by Maceman)
Design by: Maceman and JoJo
Art by: Maceman
Sound by: Public Domain Sources
Ver 1.0.1
*animated rollovers (Thanx Grizz and UW)
*fixed Beware sign
*fixed 2 'dead' spots on table
*deleted 2 gates
*fixed problem with credits matching in alphanumeric display
*updated some plastics
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Submitted by maceman, on Nov 7 2011, 05:25 PM
Edited by maceman, 25 November 2011 - 10:36 PM.