No I need to get one going I guess. I've changed my mind so many times so far, it's kind of hard to document. I started out with this cab and a 40" monitor. Once I figured out that would not work I decided to build a widebody from scratch. I found a 46" monitor for a good price. Once I started setting it up I realized the kids could not comfortably play a pin with a 46" playfield, so that tv went in the living room and I got me a 39" that fits in the cab without doing anything. This is all after I killed the 40" trying to de-case and wedge it into the cab. I have in mind to make this (eventually) one and EM early SS table (Non DMD) as it were. And build a wide body from scratch later and make it a late model SS table. My wife has some differing opinions on this idea but I have time to wear her down. 
So far I have the flipper and magna save buttons mounted, also the plunger. Getting ready to rig up and mount "Ball Lifter" plunger. and start button. I have playfield monitor back in. I keep changing the angle. Went from level, to back down front almost at glass to now it is back almost to glass and front down about 12 degrees or so per a discussion on this forum about layback. it's coming along....
That looks like a nice setup you have there though definitely a nice big backglass.
Edited by Shadowsclassic, 31 March 2014 - 08:45 PM.