Hi Guys,
After the extensive guide for SS tables:
Here is the guide for the non rom tables
I will describe it in 2 steps, the basis and the extended features related to Force Feedback and DOF
So, as for Rom based tables, you need to call the controller.vbs on top of the script, basically after
option explicit
like this:
On Error Resume Next
ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile("controller.vbs")
If Err Then MsgBox "You need the controller.vbs in order to run this table, available in the vp10 package"
On Error Goto 0
You also need a Const cGameName that will define the B2S name, that will be used to memorize the B2S parameters in the B2STableSettings.xml
Const cGameName = "GTB2001_1971"
It is required by the controller.vbs, and for the DOF of the table is the table gets a DOF Config, most likely available in the configtool:
Next where we need to call the command that will invoke the controller, for non rom tables, the logic will determine B2S controller is installed in the machine of the user, or no controller.
It is done here:
Sub Table1_init
End Sub
And one thing important is to properly close B2S when the table is stopped:
Sub Table1_Exit
If B2SOn Then Controller.Stop
End Sub
That's all for the basis
Now let's talk about the 3 commands to script the DOF effects in the vp table
PlaySound SoundFX("soundname",[DOFContactors,DOFKnocker,DOFChimes,DOFBell,DOFGear,DOFShaker,DOFFlippers,DOFTargets,DOFDropTargets])
basically SoundFXDOF is just a combination of SoundFX and DOF methods
So for example
DOF 101, DOFPulse
PlaySound SoundFX("solenoid",DOFContactors)
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("solenoid",101,DOFPulse,DOFContactors)
are doing exactly the same, just SoundFXDOF can do 2 operations in one line
here are examples on how to map the flippers and the slingshots
Sub Table1_KeyDown(ByVal keycode)
If keycode = LeftFlipperKey AND CANBEGIN=1 AND GKMM=0 AND VMOn=0 AND Tilted=0 Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperup", 101, DOFOn, DOFFlippers), 0, 1, -0.05, 0.05
End If
If keycode = RightFlipperKey AND CANBEGIN=1 AND GKMM=0 AND VMOn=0 AND Tilted=0 Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperup", 102, DOFOn, DOFFlippers), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
End If
Sub Table1_KeyUp(ByVal keycode)
If keycode = LeftFlipperKey AND GKMM=0 AND CANBEGIN=1 AND VMOn=0 AND Tilted=0 Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperdown", 101, DOFOff, DOFFlippers), 0, 1, -0.05, 0.05
End If
If keycode = RightFlipperKey AND GKMM=0 AND CANBEGIN=1 AND VMOn=0 AND Tilted=0 Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperdown", 102, DOFOff, DOFFlippers), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
End If
Dim RStep, Lstep
Sub LeftSlingShot_Slingshot
If Tilted=0 Then
FlashForMs fl2,100,50,0:FlashForMs fl2a,100,50,0:FlashB2S B2SLight2,200,50,0
DOF 140, DOFPulse
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_slingshotL",103,DOFPulse,DOFContactors),0,1,-0.05,0.05
LSling.Visible = 0
LSling1.Visible = 1
sling1.TransZ = -20
LStep = 0
Me.TimerEnabled = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub RightSlingShot_Slingshot
If Tilted=0 Then
FlashForMs fl1,100,50,0:FlashForMs fl1a,100,50,0:FlashB2S B2SLight1,200,50,0
DOF 142, DOFPulse
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_slingshotR",105,DOFPulse,DOFContactors), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
RSling.Visible = 0
RSling1.Visible = 1
sling2.TransZ = -20
RStep = 0
Me.TimerEnabled = 1
End If
End Sub
the id 101, 102, 103 and 105 are the ones which will communicate with DOF if the cGameName matches one entry in the configtool as explained above, and if the ids are mapped in the config of that table, like this in this case
why do we start at 101? because we usually expect the first numbers are used for lamp interactions in the backglass, as the DOF method uses the same method that the backglass events, (Controller.B2SSetData)
for the flippers we need to activate the effect when we press the flipper button (DOFOn) and deactivate when we release the button (DOFOff)
for the slinghots, we just need to pulse the slingshot contactor so we just use a DOFPulse which will do an immediate ON OFF effect
Flippers :
Sub SolLFlipper(Enabled)
If Enabled Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperup", 101, DOFOn, DOFFlippers)
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperdown", 101, DOFOff, DOFFlippers)
End If
End Sub
Sub SolRFlipper(Enabled)
If Enabled Then
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperup", 102, DOFOn, DOFFlippers)
PlaySound SoundFXDOF("fx_flipperdown", 102, DOFOff, DOFFlippers)
End If
End Sub
E101 goes to Flipper Left
E102 goes to Flipper Right
Edited by arngrim, 23 April 2017 - 05:11 PM.