File Name: PBX Recorder (Automated PinballX media video recorder)
File Submitter: gtxjoe
File Submitted: 16 Apr 2016
File Category: Frontends and Addons
PBX Recorder will walk through all the VP tables found set up in Pinballx, launch each table and record/capture all videos and/or images automatically. This is intended for VP cab setups but will add Desktop support at some point (Note: Desktop users - there is now a beta version for single monitor desktop users below). By default, PBX Recorder is setup to find and record missing media. There are options to re-record all media if desired. What to record and length of videos are all configurable.
NOTE: PBX Recorder uses the DirectB2S screenres.txt to figure out how to record the Playfield, Backglass and DMD. (If the DMD portion of screenres.txt is not filled in correctly, you will have trouble with DMD video or screenshot capture. Try the included ScreenResCheck utility, to see exactly what PBX Recorder will record)
NOTE: PBX Recorder videos requires that you to install the LAV filters recommended for PinballX here:
To view the videos outside of PinballX, try a media player like this:
Special Thanks to:
- Carny_Priest for his original ffmpeg recording scripts and input on the PinballX forums (
- All the beta testers
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