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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Apr 17 2016 03:42 AM
  • Last Updated: Apr 22 2017 03:11 PM
  • File Size: 281.15MB
  • Views: 19657
  • Downloads: 4,832

Previous Versions

  • 31 Jul 2016 Download PBX Recorder (Automated PinballX media video recorder) 1.5
  • 31 Jul 2016 Download PBX Recorder (Automated PinballX media video recorder) 1.5
  • 17 Apr 2016 Download PBX Recorder (Automated PinballX media video recorder) 1.4

Download PBX Recorder (Automated PinballX media video recorder) 1.6

* * * * * 27 Votes
Pinballx recorder ffmpeg videos screenshot pbxrecorder

PBX Recorder will walk through all the VP tables found set up in Pinballx, launch each table and record/capture all videos and/or images automatically.  This is intended for VP cab setups but will add Desktop support at some point (Note: Desktop users - there is now a beta version for single monitor desktop users below).  By default, PBX Recorder is setup to find and record missing media.  There are options to re-record all media if desired.  What to record and length of videos are all configurable.  
NOTE: PBX Recorder uses the DirectB2S screenres.txt to figure out how to record the Playfield, Backglass and DMD.  (If the DMD portion of screenres.txt is not filled in correctly, you will have trouble with DMD video or screenshot capture.  Try the included ScreenResCheck utility, to see exactly what PBX Recorder will record) 

NOTE: PBX Recorder videos requires that you to install the LAV filters recommended for PinballX here: http://www.pinballx.com/codecs.exe 
To view the videos outside of PinballX, try a media player like this: https://mpc-hc.org/


Special Thanks to:
- Carny_Priest for his original ffmpeg recording scripts and input on the PinballX forums (http://www.gameex.in...ckglass-and-dmd)
- All the beta testers 

What's New in Version 1.6 (See full changelog)

  • Version history:
  • Version 1.6
  • - Automatically disable VPX truefullscreen so playfield video/image recording works
  • - Support use of table sub-folders
  • - Added playfield video rotation adjustment for different setups
  • - Bugfix - Support VP exe filenames containing spaces
  • - Find_New_Tables.exe will find all tables missing in the XML file and make it easy to add and setup
  • Version 1.5
  • - Allow user to select table and force re-recording
  • - Find_New_Tables.exe. Search and add new tables to Pinballx VP xml files
  • - New setting to specify table load time
  • - Check for tables within game name or description named subfolders
  • - Bugfix - recformat setting, proceed to next table if VP error occurs, use backglass offset
  • Version 1.4
  • - Drag and drop of new VPT/VPX files onto PBX Recorder to add a new table to the PinballX xml file
  • - Ability to PAUSE recorder to setup table, i.e enable B2S, tweak script and RESUME. Double tap PAUSE to start recording immediately
  • Version 1.3
  • - New record mode: "Record complete media set for new tables only"
  • - Drag and drop of new VPT/VPX files onto PBX Recorder to record a single table(must be in XML already).
  • - Ability to record in .mp4 format added
  • - Ability to name media based on table or description names.
  • Version 1.2
  • - Basic support for automatic Wheel image download via FTP if you have Pinballx FTP access. To enable FTP support, open the FTPLoginInfo.txt file and put in your user info. (If you do not have FTP access, the log file will provide a list of any missing wheel images)
  • Version 1.1 - Bugfix release
  • Version 1.0 - Initial version
  • Demo video
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3BmZHSDWpc&feature=youtu.be

This is one awesome utility gtxjoe. I downloaded ver1.3 and got that up and running last week. It really dresses things up in attract mode for sure. I used to load tables just to see animations rather than static screens. No more! Quick question. I have 637 tables and I believe that it read all of them, however some of the animations don't run through Pinball X even though the animations are in the folders. I am running version 2.14 of Pinball X . Is this a naming is issue of some sort...seems that this is usually the case for me when things don't run through Pinball X. If so, what has to be changed....or is it something else perhaps. Not sure if this is the right place to post this so please forgive me if it's not. Thanks!
Apr 19 2016 06:13 PM

This is really a awesome Capture Software - Your program runs the last 2 days on my pc to record all my 681Tables for 2 Minutes (only table Videos). All the videos are in the necessary folders and I can play them with VLC, but I have nearly the same problem as Johngreve. PinballX does not show the videos or the table images - my screen is Black, only the Wheels an the table information at the Top is visible.

I recorded the table videos in exactly the same name as the table name like that:

Name: ACDC_B2S_FS_DOF.vpt

Video: ACDC_B2S_FS_DOF.f4v

Any suggestions?

Apr 20 2016 06:38 PM

I downloaded: http://www.pinballx.com/codecs.exe

And now it works.


Nice Work

I am having problems getting my two table types to be recognized.

I have both vpt tables and vpx tables.

When it scans for new tables added to PinballX it does not record any of the vpx tables that I added.


Granted, I have my tables folders in these two directories




How do I get the script to record the vpx tables ?


Presently my pinballx will launch both tables for me from menu.

Everyone - please post your questions or trouble in the support topic here:  http://www.vpforums....showtopic=34492


Vpforums does not notify me when questions are posted to this area


@legtod2 - most likely for your VPX system you created in Pinballx, you need to set the System Type = Visual Pinball



Hello, just have a little question.


When you mention :  Drag and drop of new VPT/VPX files onto PBX Recorder to add a new table to the PinballX xml file


When and how can we do this ?

Oh! Just found.  We need to drag and drop to the file hahaha!  Too simple!

Thx!!!!!!!   :)   :)   :)

Greatest PBX addon yet!  Once I followed the instructions it worked like a champ!  Nice work GTX!

Best tool I ever used for Vpinball. No mor hunting for mediapacks, the only files I need for the future are the instruction cards, the flyer images and the wheels. Nothing else, just run PBX recorder and you have the right videos for the table.


A+++++ soooo good


Got to describe it on my homepage, for the german users

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