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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Aug 23 2013 02:36 AM
- Last Updated: Nov 23 2013 10:01 PM
- File Size: 115.45MB
- Views: 13767
- Downloads: 2,892
TAB original table
ICPjuggla, JimmyFingers, OldSkoolGamer and Koadic MOD - Manufacturer: Williams
- Year: 1991
IPDB Link:
- ROM: Link to ROM
- Permission to MOD?: No
Download Hurricane-(FS MOD)-v1.1.1 1.1.1

Hurricane 1991 Williams

Hurricane MOD v1.1.1 for VP9.2+
by ICPjuggla, JimmyFingers, OldSkoolGamer and Koadic
BMPR Physics by JimmyFingers
Thanks go to TAB for letting us MOD his original desktop table that this MOD was created from
lighting (GI and flashers) by JimmyFingers
As far as table notes and what has been changed the list is too long to note..
just about every object and VP element was eaither touched or changed to bring it up to date.
Thanks for and to:
- jpsalas A few sounds borrowed (mainly fx_bumpers from jpsalas more recent ones)
- Unclewilly Slingshot animations (from BBB), Reworked ramp transparencies (derived / altered from BBB)
- rob046 for the great pictures
- thewool play testing
- Aaron James play testing
- Herweh for updating his db2s for the spin disk to work
and to all I've forgotten here (maybe).
by ICPjuggla, JimmyFingers, OldSkoolGamer and Koadic
BMPR Physics by JimmyFingers
Thanks go to TAB for letting us MOD his original desktop table that this MOD was created from
lighting (GI and flashers) by JimmyFingers
As far as table notes and what has been changed the list is too long to note..
just about every object and VP element was eaither touched or changed to bring it up to date.
Thanks for and to:
- jpsalas A few sounds borrowed (mainly fx_bumpers from jpsalas more recent ones)
- Unclewilly Slingshot animations (from BBB), Reworked ramp transparencies (derived / altered from BBB)
- rob046 for the great pictures
- thewool play testing
- Aaron James play testing
- Herweh for updating his db2s for the spin disk to work
and to all I've forgotten here (maybe).
What's New in Version 1.1.1 (See full changelog)
- Koadic - New Wheels and New Menus
- JimmyFingers - Wheel lighting and tying in with GI8 coding
- Script changes
Very nice---plays so much better than before--and I love the lights! Nice job!
verry good
WOW! So well done
Great table! Thanks!
This is a great update, a must have!!!
omg, thanks for this great update, superb lighting & very tidy table!
Thanks! looks great
any idea why my 2 ferris wheels are just spinning cubes though?
Smeghead, Please use one of the latest VP rev's 688 or greater to fix your ferris wheel problem, the latest rev's are found in Koadics sign or here..
https://www.dropbox....VPinball Builds
great table but missing one thing, Williams logo on the flippers
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that's what i'am waiting for! Great Release