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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Mar 25 2013 04:11 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 29 2013 03:09 PM
  • File Size: 37.64MB
  • Views: 14486
  • Downloads: 1,994
  • Author(s): Compufox,EalaDubhSidhe, Maceman
  • Manufacturer: Gottlieb
  • Year: 1979
  • IPDB Link:
  • ROM: Link to ROM
  • Media Pack: Link to Media Pack
  • Permission to MOD?: Unspecified

Previous Versions

  • 28 Mar 2013 Download Genie (Gottlieb 1979) 1.3
  • 27 Mar 2013 Download Genie (Gottlieb 1979) 1.2
  • 25 Mar 2013 Download Genie (Gottlieb 1979) 1.1

Download Genie (Gottlieb 1979) 1.4

* * * * * 8 Votes
Genie Gottlieb Gotlieb 1979 1979 Widebody

F6 to change # balls 3 or 5.
I tried to use high quality graphics where possible, so you will need to use either one of Koadic's stable daily builds or lower the max texture dimension setting in the video options if you see the "could not create texture offscreen surface" error. It will decrease visual quality so I would recommend a new build that supports higher textures to play.
This is the desktop version of Genie. It is a new table build from Franscisco's FP images (Thanx Franscisco!) and using Compufox's script with some changes.
A big thanx to everyone who help along the way,  Hmueck, BodyDump, LuvThatApex, Blur, EalaDubhSidhe, Grizz,, Bolt, Rob046 etc.... I hope i didn't miss anyone!! Thanx to Compufox, Noah, JP  and Pinuck for various scripts.
Thanx Darquayle for Genie dB2s and Destruk for the Rom.
Thanx to Forum for testing and support.
Original machine release: November, 1979.
Designed by Ed Krynski, art by Gordon Morrison.
Production run: 6,800 units.
First Gottlieb widebody.
Features: Dual-mode sound, 'game within a game' mini-playfield.Original machine release: November, 1979.
Pop bumpers and upper rollovers flash yellow drop targets to raise bonus multiplier.
Making twinned A-B-C-D lights upper left spot target for Extra Ball.
Dropping all white targets resets bank and lights right Extra Ball target.
Dropping all red targets resets bank and lights right Special target.
Flipper lane rollovers light spinner to advance bonus.
Kicker hole lights to collect bonus at 20,000 points.

What's New in Version 1.4 (See full changelog)

  • 1.4 * Fixed Right Slingshot not working correctly. Fixed lights. Fixed some missing walls. Thanx Kiwi!
  • 1.3 * Fixed(i think/hope) the weird ball bounce in left lower outlane- thanx RetroM4n!
  • 1.2 *Fixed Reversed Player 2 and 3 on Backglass
  • 1.1 *Fixed 4 lights that i missed in the fading script- thanx bolt!

nice work maceman...any plans to convert this to fs?

This is one hell of a fantastic reproduction. Perfectly balanced graphics and great gameplay. Hope we will see more of you in the future! Hint: What about 'tweaking' JPSalas' and rob046' already excellent "Haunted house", or reproducing "Black hole"?

WOW!  You do amazing work!  Thank you!

Thanks Mace. Excellent table. Plays great and has that fun factor that I look for.

After playing with this new gem for a few days I found there is something strange happening at the left rollover (right from the outlane). Sometimes, the ball accellerates very quickly on that spot. I can not really reproduce it, but it happened on me 4 times on let's say 20 games. This happened with both version 1.1 and 1.2. Another thing, which only occured once (with version 1.2, so I don't know if it also was there in 1.1), is that I was presented a 4th ball. At that moment the end tune was playing and the ball counter stayed at 3. I only play 1 player games and never change any settings. Maybe this is some helpful information for a new version? Or are you too busy with Haunted House??;-)

i'm trying to run this with different versions and get messages like "could not create texture offscreen surface"  and "could not create off-screen z-surface"  am i missing something?

i'm trying to run this with different versions and get messages like "could not create texture offscreen surface"  and "could not create off-screen z-surface"  am i missing something?

I have been playing this table for days and now out of the blue it does not work anymore.  Says could not create surface.  What happened???

Same here, doesnt work because "could not create texture offscreen surface", help appreciated.

guys, I seriously don't know what else to tell you.  I've posted tables notes above, and also in the current Genie New Build thread.  If you don't want to use the newer VP builds that support this game, I guess you will continue to miss out, but like i mentioned many times, use the NEW BUILDS from Koadic. Cheers.

Marco Norambuena P
Jul 21 2014 04:58 PM

Thank you my son is very happy

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