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PinCabView : BigRaceUSA-FantasticJourney-Timeshock-TheWeb & WormsPinball-WorldRallyFever & SlamTilt Resurrection!

Propinball Camera cabinet mod Addiction Pinball mod camera mod

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#1 Aubrel



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Posted 18 July 2021 - 08:10 PM

PinCabView 4.3 by Aubrel


This patch is free and should remain free.
Not for commercial uses!!


I'm happy to release this patch! It will transforme completely some old PC pinball games and make them alive again in virtual pinball cabinets.
The main goal is to get a pincab camera view with exported DMD and backglass for these Pinball games:
 - Pro Pinball : The Web (1995 - 1.50p - CD)
 - Pro Pinball : Timeshock! (1997 - 1.07 / 1.20 - CD/GOG)
 - Pro Pinball : Big Race USA (1998 - 1.18 / 1.19 / 1.20b - CD/GOG)
 - Pro Pinball : Fantastic Journey (1999 - 1.07 / 1.20b - CD/GOG)
 - Addiction Pinball : Worms Pinball (1998 - CD / Steam)
 - Addiction Pinball : World Rally Fever (1998 - CD)
 - SlamTilt Resurrection : Demon (1999 - CD)
 - SlamTilt Resurrection : Pirate (1999 - CD)

These games are for now the only ones to be used with this Launcher.


The pack contains :
- PinCabView Launcher by Aubrel
- PinCabView 2.6 ReShade's shader by Aubrel and Ducon2016 (ArcCabView 2.6 with PINBALL options activated)
- ArcCabView Custom ReShade 4.9.1 dll by Ducon2016 and Aubrel (ReShadeMod32.dll)
- dgVoodoo2 2.78.2 dll (ddraw.dll)
- dinputto8 by Elisha Riedlinger used for AddictionPinball games
- OggWinmm.dll by Maximilien Noal used for GOG version of Timeshock


These Pinball games will be all rotated to portrait mode and will run in your main screen desktop resolution with a Cabinet View.
If you have more than 1 screen, the backglass and the DMD should exported to the others screens.
You can launch your games with your main screen set in landscape or portrait mode: the result should be the very same.
This patch doesn't contain any files of these games and won't change them at all (it could be reversed by just removing its files)


As a bonus :
-The 1600x1200 resolution should be unlocked, working and used by default for BigRaceUSA, FantasticJourney, Timeshock, Demon and Pirate.
-All the Timeshock options should be always unlocked in the menu operator.
-The BGM of the GOG version of Timeshock should be mostly fixed (still a few bugs but really improved).
-A standard "coin" mode is now available for the 4 Pro Pinball games (activated by defaut, your clasic game save will be preserved and used when the option is disabled)
-An improved desktop mode is available too with multi screens support too.
-Inputs are improved and standardized, game configuration is set at best.

If you are using standard VPX keyboard keys, some patches are activated by default to bring you native full support with the default game layouts.


Here how it looks now from 2.0 version :


















And in Action :




How to use :
- Extract the full archive in your game directory (same directory as your main game exe). Your game exe name should be the original one (not renamed).
- For the supported games you have to use the launcher "PinCabViewLauncher.exe" included to launch your game
- If needed set PinCabView.ini "PinCabView" and "PinCabView_ADV" options as explain above depending on your configuration
- That's all, it should work :dblthumb:



Side notes :
- DirectX11 hardware is recommanded (DirectX10 should be working but it won't work on Windows XP or with an old DirectX9 graphic card)
- To play Worms Pinball table using Addiction Pinball game, you have to send the command "WP" or "Worms" to the launcher at start (both games are not supported in the same time when not in desktop mode).
- Quick launch (games start directly) is now always activated when not launched in desktop mode.
- The quick launch won't be activated for the 1st start (BigRaceUSA,FantasticJourney,Timeshock). But it will be used after if the game has been properly closed at least one time.
- Desktop users can send "-q" command to the launcher to start the games directly too (not 1st start for the 3 games listed above)
- With SlamTilt Resurrection, Demon table in 3D view is launched by default. You can send "Pirate" to the launcher to launch directly Pirate table instead ( you can also send the command "2D" if you want the 2D view).
- SlamTilt Resurrection's 3rd view (scrolling 3D) is not supported.
- The Windows DPI-Scale setting for high resolutions should be the same for all your screens.
- In any case the playfield will be displayed in your main screen. It won't work if you set your backglass as main screen.
- Nudge visual feedback is broken with this patch (graphic glitches) and so it has been disabled for all 8 games.
- The launcher won't work with Timeshock Ultra Edition nor any other games than the 8 supported ones


PinCabKeys :
- "1" or "F1" => "Start" (repeat to get multi-players)
- "1" => "Yes" (Addiction Pinball games)
- "2" => "Esc"
- "5" => "Coin" (Pro Pinball games with PPCoinMOD)
- "5" => "No" (Addiction Pinball games)
- "Shift"(s) => "Flippers"
- "Shift"(s) => "Left"/"Right"
- "Ctrl"(s) => "Table Select" (SlamTilt Resurrection at table selection screen)
- "Ctrl"(s) => "Magna-Save"
- "Ctrl"(s) => "Up"/"Down"
- "Ctrl"(s) => "View select" (SlamTilt Resurrection at view selection screen)
- "z" or "LAlt" => "Left Nudge"
- "Space" => "Front Nudge"
- "/" or "RAlt" => "Right Nudge"



Changelog :

- ArcCabView sharder updated to fix a grill display problem in PinCabView
- dgVoodoo2 version included reversed to 2.78.2 (problems found with 2.79 versions)

- With DMD on the 3rd screen the game display will now cover your full 3rd screen even with custom DMD sizes/positions
- DMD background option added (used and displayed only with DMD on a 3rd screen with custom sizes)
"PinCabView\Textures\background_default.png" will be displayed full sized on your 3rd screen, you can update this image according to your preferences.
You can also add "background.png" files in "PinCabView\Textures\GameName\" folders to get a different DMD-Background for each game.

- Default Frame Reflection Intensity decreased (used only with Slamtilt Resurrection 2D tables)
- Option DMD Color added (can be set in-game in Reshade's UI with "home" key)
- Updated to work with last ArcCabView/PinCabView shader version 2.3
- Updated to work with last official dgVoodoo 2.78.2 ddraw dll
- DMD Filter option added in the shader to crop DMD colors below the filter value
- The launcher can now be killed safely to close the game
- Performance mode added and general performances should be improved too
- Option Full_Stretch On/Off added in ini file
- Option Rotated_180 On/Off added in ini file
- Some small changes, fixes and cleanups

- Updated to work with official ArcCabView/PinCabView shader version 1.0a
- POV settings improved for SlamTilt Resurrection 3D tables
- Many small changes, fixes and cleanups


- SlamTilt Resurrection full support added (2D and Full 3D views)


- POV factor option added to improve the perspective as you want (should be set in ReShade's UI with home key).
- The DMD can now be displayed over the backglass if needed. Can help 2x 16:9 screens configurations (use PinCabView.ini to set position and size)
- DMD can now be set again to transparent/intelligent with ProPinball games when used in cabinet mode with a KeepTableDMD or single screen configuration.
- Shader code updated and improved


- Ratio locked to center at max 16/9 option added and now applied for these 6 games (desktop and cabinet).
- Ratio management improved for desktop users
- Apron management improved
- Off limites display fixed
- Shader code cleanups


- DMD display improved
- Shader interface (ReShade UI) improved.
- Timeshock DMD hide issues fixed
- DMD management for desktop users improved
- All games are now using the same preset file
- Desktop mode improved (single and multi screens configurations)
- Standard "coin mode" added for the 4 ProPinball games (Coin key is keyboard "5")
- A 2nd view with DMD hidden is now available for The Web (select view 4 or more in game options, btw the view with DMD looks better)
- The Web settings are now automatized too
- The games are now launched directly (menu skipped) when not in desktop mode (except 1st launch)
- ExeName option removed (game exe name should be the original expected one)
- Steam launch command support removed (not needed)
- No1200p option removed (not needed anymore)
- Launcher and shader codes improved
- Memory game code patch improved, many patches added
- Many fixes and improvements


- Some problems with PinCabKeys fixed
- DMD_off image display improved
- Some small fix and improvements...


- Worms Pinball PC game full support added (Steam and old CD versions including Addiction Pinball)
- World Rally Fever (Addiction Pinball) full support added (old CD game)
- Added brightness settings for the table, the backglass (grill excluded) and the DMD
- DMD_off image added and Backlass_off removed. It's now more clean and more flexible.
- New Aprons for all 4 ProPinball and the 2 Addiction Pinball games (Big thanks to eMBee for the very nice work he did on them)
- ReShade's dll updated to the last official version 4.9.1 for better compatibility
- "ExeName" function improved, Steam support and external commands are now supported.
- Window DPI scale (PPP) issue should be fixed (you now have nothing to do).
- 1200p and exe administrator/compatibility settings issues sould be fixed (no need to remove the exe settings anymore, and the 1200p patch should now work everytime (if it still fails, try to remove your wgame.cfg file)
- The DMD will be now displayed by default in fullscreen area on the 3rd screen if available (and if the ratio of the 2nd screen is approx 16:9. If the BG screen is in 4:3 resolution the grill and the DMD will be still displayed on it)
- A full desktop mode has been added (it supports backglass on the 2nd screen, with or without DMD). Ratio is automated but you can change it in Reshade's UI options with the home key ingame (check Zoom or Scale settings)
- An auto game setup has been added to set them at the best it can from first start (excepting for The Web...).
- PinCabKeys patches have been added to use fully the 4 ProPinball games and Worms Pinball using only standard VPX keyboard keys available in most pincabs (used by default, no joystick support).
- Cheat code added and applied with the launcher to unlock all the options in operator menu of Timeshock (unlocked everytime).
- If you are using the GOG version of Timeshock the best dll I found for the ogg BGM of this game will be used (Maximilien Naol's version, link available bellow)
- Game DMD size fixed for BigRaceUSA and Timeshock in 1280x1024 when using "No1200p" option (FantasticJourney was allready working as it should)
- Desktop users can now play these 6 games with the launcher in your desktop resolution and the best settings will be applied
- Many other fixes and improvements...



PinCabView Info / Support :  https://vpuniverse.c...t-resurrection/
PinCabView2D Info / Support :  https://vpuniverse.c...in-your-pincab/
PinCabViewWFS Info / Support :  https://vpuniverse.c...in-your-pincab/
ArcCabView/PinCabView shader Info / Support :  http://www.emuline.o...st-as-you-want/

Big thanks to eMBee for drawing most of the aprons currently in use. Awesome job!! :tup:


Thanks to Ducon2016 and Houb for the amazing "CRTGeomMOD" shader


ReShade home :  https://reshade.me
dgVoodoo2 home :  http://dege.freeweb.hu

dinputto8 by Elisha Riedlinger used for AddictionPinball games :  https://github.com/e...cloud/dinputto8
Ogg Winmm.dll by Maximilien Noal used for GOG version of Timeshock :  https://github.com/m...-noal/ogg-winmm




Enjoy !!   :drinks:

Edited by Aubrel, 12 February 2023 - 01:38 AM.

#2 Aubrel



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Posted 28 July 2021 - 12:56 PM

New version available!! It works really better than the one posted before and now it displays the backglass and the DMD where you want  :)


1st post edited with new link, pictures and videos

Please read the readme, it will help ;)



Enjoy!!  :)

#3 naeromagus



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 07:34 AM

This along with Worms pinball (addiction pinball ), I played many hours of back when i had my first pc pentium 133mhz... Thanks for bringing this back into the light !

#4 Aubrel



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 11:40 AM

This along with Worms pinball (addiction pinball ), I played many hours of back when i had my first pc pentium 133mhz... Thanks for bringing this back into the light !

That's good, I'm trying to use it with Worms Pinball at the moment :)

I hope I will manage to get it working the same way

#5 makmak



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 07:57 PM

I know these cds are somewhere on my attic, ill have to search, cant wait to play with my cab, i cant believe until ive seen ;-) thanks for sharing!!! But wait, i dont have a cd-player in my cab...any other way?

#6 wiesshund


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 08:30 PM

I know these cds are somewhere on my attic, ill have to search, cant wait to play with my cab, i cant believe until ive seen ;-) thanks for sharing!!! But wait, i dont have a cd-player in my cab...any other way?

try converting the CD's to ISO and then mount the ISO on the cab


or depending on how the program is made, you might just copy the cd contents to a flash drive

If you feel the need to empty your wallet in my direction, i dont have any way to receive it anyways

If you really want to get rid of money you can donate to this

Athena's Wildlife Sanctuary

#7 Aubrel



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Posted 30 July 2021 - 01:25 AM

This along with Worms pinball (addiction pinball ), I played many hours of back when i had my first pc pentium 133mhz... Thanks for bringing this back into the light !



this is the best I can get from this game...

Not very nice and needs some special files to work...



I know these cds are somewhere on my attic, ill have to search, cant wait to play with my cab, i cant believe until ive seen ;-) thanks for sharing!!! But wait, i dont have a cd-player in my cab...any other way?

The GOG versions are working without the CD, for the standard CD version, yes a copy can be mounted to a virtual cd drive to play or there are some no-cd patches availables...



For the rest I found again a few small issues in the actual patch and so I will update soon to fix them :)

#8 hitman2304



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Posted 31 July 2021 - 09:02 AM

Can You make a mod with normal view with 1080p resolution or 1600x1200?

On my laptop FJ and BRUSA only plays on 1280x1024, 1600x1200 option is grey.

Edited by hitman2304, 31 July 2021 - 09:04 AM.

#9 Aubrel



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Posted 01 August 2021 - 11:07 AM

Can You make a mod with normal view with 1080p resolution or 1600x1200?

On my laptop FJ and BRUSA only plays on 1280x1024, 1600x1200 option is grey.

It will be possible with the "coming soon" next version :)

#10 Aubrel



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Posted 05 August 2021 - 01:45 PM

2.0 approaching fast !!


#11 Aubrel



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Posted 12 August 2021 - 12:27 PM

PinCabView 2.1 available !!   :winetoast:


- The 2 Addiction Pinball games are now supported (old CD's and Steam versions)

- A desktop mode is now available with nearly all the features included

- New aprons for all 6 games (big thanks to eMBee who did an awesome job to draw them!)

- Full standard VPX keyboard keys support for all these games

- Brightness can be set for the table, the backglass and the DMD (in ReShade's UI)

- Needed settings are now done by the launcher, you have nothing to do.

- Many fixes and improvements: it should be now mostly working without having to do anything.

- DMD is now displayed by the 3rd screen by default if available.

- Timeshock's menu operator is now always fully unlocked.



First post updated  :tup:








Edit : Updated to 2.1

Edited by Aubrel, 14 August 2021 - 01:06 AM.

#12 Aubrel



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Posted 15 August 2021 - 05:18 AM

For information I updated the patch to 2.1 in order to fix a few problems I found.


And here is a new video I just made to show the result in action in a pincab :




#13 Aubrel



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Posted 23 August 2021 - 02:37 PM

New improvements => 3.0  3.1 available with ratio locked and full "standard coin mode" support for the 4 ProPinball games!! :)

("The Web" support has been really improved with this new release)


- Ratio locked to center at max 16/9 option added and now applied for these 6 games (desktop and cabinet).
- Ratio management improved for desktop users
- Apron management improved
- Off limites display fixed
- Shader code cleanups

- DMD display improved
- Shader interface (ReShade UI) improved.
- Timeshock DMD hide issues fixed
- DMD management for desktop users improved
- All games are now using the same preset file
- Desktop mode improved (single and multi screens configurations)
- Standard "coin mode" added for the 4 ProPinball games (Coin key is keyboard "5")
- A 2nd view with DMD hidden is now available for The Web (select view 4 or more in game options, btw the view with DMD looks better)
- The Web settings are now automatized too
- The games are now launched directly (menu skipped) when not in desktop mode (except 1st launch)
- ExeName option removed (game exe name should be the original expected one)
- Steam launch command support removed (not needed)
- No1200p option removed (not needed anymore)
- Launcher and shader codes improved
- Memory game code patch improved, many patches added
- Many fixes and improvements


First post edited :drinks:

Edited by Aubrel, 25 August 2021 - 04:25 AM.

#14 Aubrel



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Posted 30 August 2021 - 03:25 PM

Updated to new 3.2 version.


This new version features some big changes in the shader (I hope nothing will be broken...)

Now the DMD can be displayed everywhere even over the backglass if you have a 16:9 one.

The POV is improved with better perspective (the ball will be less ovale and the proportions will be better)

it can be set as you want (TablePOV_factor) 0.25 is set as default for the 6 pinball games (for me it's good but you can change in ReSahde's UI with home key).


Here a comparaison with and without the new POV setting


New  (TablePOV_factor is set at default 0.25)     /      Old  (TablePOV_factor disabled at 0.00)

Pin-Cab-View-New.png            Pin-Cab-View-Old.png


Edited by Aubrel, 30 August 2021 - 03:26 PM.

#15 GrandlHuber



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Posted 04 September 2021 - 02:45 PM



WOW! You made my dream come true. I´m working on my Cab since 2014 and BRUSA is on the the top of my wish list to play on it.


Now you only have to integrate a Pinscape-Support in your PinCapView :D


Thx 4 sharing

#16 Aubrel



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Posted 23 November 2021 - 06:59 AM

Now updated to v.4.0 with ArcCabView/PinCabView shader version 1.0a included

SlamTilt Resurrection POV has been also improved


Everything runs and looks even better ! 

#17 Halen



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 11:49 AM

The link is not working.

#18 Aubrel



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 01:28 PM

The link is not working.

Thanks for the information.

It should be resolved now :)

#19 Halen



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 04:30 PM

Excellent job!! I downloaded the games from GOG and it worked perfectly. Could you indicate where I can download THE WEB? Would it be possible for you to provide your configuration for pinball x?

#20 Aubrel



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Posted 24 November 2021 - 05:11 PM

Good!  :)

I fear The Web isn't available for purchase anywhere...

But this game isn't as nice as the 3 other ProPinball games and the result with PinCabView isn't as good neither... (lower resolution, lower color number, no really matching view...)

For this one the VPX version can be a better choice.


If ever the GOG's "Pinball Gold Pack" (including Pinball Dreams/Dreams2/Fantasies/Mania/Illusions) is supported by PinCabView2D and plays very nice :tup:


For PinballX or any other Frontends, just put the launcher exe instead of the game exe and it will work (nothing else to do, these 3 ProPinball games need to be closed correctly at least one time to save their configurations and after that the table will be launched directly next times)

Edited by Aubrel, 24 November 2021 - 05:16 PM.