File Name: Skittles
File Submitter: Segovia11
File Submitted: 01 Nov 2019
File Category: VPX Originals
Author(s): Joseph GoftonPermission to MOD?: No
VP 10.7 Desktop version only
Installation Guide
Important Message
Modification of this table is not allowed.
The table is not for sale.
The table has been uploaded to Visual Pinballs Website
It will be an illegal download from any other site.
It should not be advertised on any other Web site except for the site that has been chosen by the Table Author/Designer.
1. Put Skittles Zip into - C: VisualPinBall/Tables
2. UnZip File.
3. Run the VPX.7 File.
4. Do not delete script - Table needs the external script to run.
Note 1
If unable to type in a letter or number during Name Entry
a. Check the Button Assignments, which is in the configure Keys,nudges and DOF editor.
b. change the button assignment by giving it a different key.
Note 2
Undeleted VPTemp ttf font files after Visual Pinball Table crashes
a. Log Off
b. Log back on & delete the VPTemp0,VPTemp1 & VPTemp2 ttf fonts files from C:\Visual Pinball Main Library
c. Open Table again
1. Press NumberPad 1 to Start the Game.
2. Launch the ball with the down arrow key.
3. Aim for the Rota Target and activate 4 lights to open the Skittle Table Gate, which is
positioned behind the Rota Target. Follow the Loop lane to get there.
4. Rank the Score by keeping the Loop Circuit Active.
5. Extra features include ScoreBooster,SkillShot,Multiball,Magna Loop,Speed Loop,Jackpots & 4 Player HighScoreboard
Magna Loop shot route
1st Hit the Left side 4 x Drop Target bank.
2nd Hit the Right side 4 x Drop Target bank.
Rota Target Highscore route
1st Hit left Swing Target
2nd Hit right Swing Target
3rd Hit Rota Target which will Zero the route order
Swing Target
Rota Target
Under Table Skittles alley
Light RollOver
Loop circuit
Loop Skillshot
Speed loop shot
Extra Balls
ArcadeRoom with same suit same number card game
Target priority Hit Order
Dmd & sound Animations
4 player NameEntry
AutoCoin/Manualcoin selection
Highscore board
Skittles Highscore
Spinner Highscore
Extensive VisualBasic Code Library
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