Hiya.... I'm setting up my 3 monitor cab build and had an idea with a solution to use a mouse for a plunger.... I know there are commercial solutions but I like 'playing' with things I have around the home and figuring out if it will work.
Here's a google photo album of where I'm at currently: https://goo.gl/photos/9CWb3TASEL7BRdBk7
what I used was:
a simple strap.... I used one from a shopping bag (one of those 'high-end' shopping bags I see my wife bring home and shed a tear when I see
some weight (i used a tweeter I found in a junk drawer)
an old mouse (optical sensor)
used a paint stir-stick for a wood-channel where the strap goes through and forces contact with the mouse sensor...
a bracket I had in a drawer for something I guess, used some black-duck tape I had to hold it together for now (If it works out I'll figure out a more 'solid' connections)....
You can see in the photos/video how it works. Seems pretty accurate...
Ok, I've got it pretty much working/testing now. Works with visual pinball X(or versions that support rY joystick axis for plunger?)...... works with Pinball Fx2 as well!!
Here are the files to get it working:
Files you'll need are here: www.nailbuster.com/nailcode/MousePlunger_v070.zip
There's a README.TXT file within the zip, hopefully it'll be enough for you to setup.
Note: by default when you run the 'agent' it will hide your systems Mouse pointer.... to get it back just press the middle wheel mouse. You can disable this feature in the INI file...
take a look at what Bluemanuk has done to get the setup even better!.. see post here: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=38064&page=4#entry403700
Edited by NailBuster, 16 April 2021 - 04:06 PM.