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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Sep 13 2013 01:56 AM
- Last Updated: Dec 23 2013 05:21 PM
- File Size: 73.98MB
- Views: 11116
- Downloads: 2,573
- Author(s): ICPjuggla, Herweh and OldSkoolGamer
- Manufacturer: Data East
- Year: 1987
IPDB Link:
- ROM: Link to ROM
- Permission to MOD?: Yes, with approval
Download LaserWar_VP9.2+_1.03_FS v1.03

Laser War Laser War Data East Data East ICPjuggla Herweh oldskoolgamer 1987

LASER WAR for VP9.2+
by ICPjuggla, Herweh and OldSkoolGamer
All Artwork/Lighting/GI by OldSkoolGamer
Special thanks to Fransisco666 for the playfield image.
This is a 'from scratch' rebuild. Artwork/GI was inspired by a LED mod of this table.
Table is saved with layer infos so for the best experience (and for pretty cool looking flasher) use a VP9.16 beta build or higher.
Thanks for and to:
- JP and EalaDubhSidhe for the LED idea and code
- Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic
- Fading Lamps code, flasher images and much more from JPSalas
- Some sound files and ideas from JimmyFingers
- Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal
- B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic
and to all I've forgotten here maybe.
The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size.
Have a lot fun.
by ICPjuggla, Herweh and OldSkoolGamer
All Artwork/Lighting/GI by OldSkoolGamer
Special thanks to Fransisco666 for the playfield image.
This is a 'from scratch' rebuild. Artwork/GI was inspired by a LED mod of this table.
Table is saved with layer infos so for the best experience (and for pretty cool looking flasher) use a VP9.16 beta build or higher.
Thanks for and to:
- JP and EalaDubhSidhe for the LED idea and code
- Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic
- Fading Lamps code, flasher images and much more from JPSalas
- Some sound files and ideas from JimmyFingers
- Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal
- B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic
and to all I've forgotten here maybe.
The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size.
Have a lot fun.
What's New in Version v1.03 (See full changelog)
- fixed flasher disable code
- timer checked for analog plunger
- plastic transparency issue fixed
- left red light fixed
- extra animation on sling fixed
- v1.3
- - Fixed broken flashers for VP9.2
- - Added primitive rings
excellent work !!!!!!!!!
Thanks! This has become one of my favorite tables!
thanks for your work
Thanks! Plays very nice and it provides the most intense light show that my cab still can handle My setup had problems (paintball effect) with the previous versions flashers. I know it was additional work to make the "in between tables" compatible with 9.2 and I appreciate all the updates.
What a great table, It plays very well. To all involved: Thank you very much!
Nice work, love this game, thanks!
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Very nice work! Thank you to all involved