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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Dec 20 2016 01:48 AM
- Last Updated: Dec 14 2024 03:21 AM
- File Size: 11.85MB
- Views: 20185
- Downloads: 6,151
- Author(s): jpsalas
- Manufacturer: Gameplan
- Year: 1979
IPDB Link:
- ROM: Link to ROM
- Permission to MOD?: Yes, without approval
Previous Versions
Download Old Coney Island (Game plan 1979) 5.5.0

The table is based on the Game Plan table from 1979.
Thanks to Jolo for the pictures of his own Old Coney Island.
Some notes about the table:
- Copy the nvram file, coneyis.nv, to the nvram folder. This file has the replays levels already set up. Otherwise they will need to be configured before the table is playable.
- I have included inkochnito's dip switches setup, so press F6 and check that you have the options you prefer.
- This table's ROM support chimes. I don't think the chimes were installed in the production table. But they are there and those solenoids are activated during play. If you prefer to play with those chimes then you need to change the value of the Const UseChimes = False to Const UseChimes = True
Thanks to Jolo for the pictures of his own Old Coney Island.
Some notes about the table:
- Copy the nvram file, coneyis.nv, to the nvram folder. This file has the replays levels already set up. Otherwise they will need to be configured before the table is playable.
- I have included inkochnito's dip switches setup, so press F6 and check that you have the options you prefer.
- This table's ROM support chimes. I don't think the chimes were installed in the production table. But they are there and those solenoids are activated during play. If you prefer to play with those chimes then you need to change the value of the Const UseChimes = False to Const UseChimes = True
What's New in Version 5.5.0 (See full changelog)
- 5.5.0 Updated 14.12.2024
- - New playfield mesh to avoid the ball getting stuck on top of the flippers.
- - Fixed my ball spin control, which were too aggressive, and it killed the ball's acceleration, making the ball too slow, getting stuck on ramps, and also being unable to climb the ramps on many tables.
- - Updated for VPX8 (adjusted reflections, equirectangular ball, linked flashers to lights, incandescent lights)
- - Updated physics to my Rev3. Including physics materials, flipper code and slingshot shapes.
- - Updated LUT images and display system, 10 darker shades and 10 warmer shades.
- - some graphical changes (playfield mesh with holes, metal wall guides, lights warmer)
- - added a screenshot for scutters file explorer handler
- 4.0.2 Updated 27.10.2022
- - fixed the digits display in the desktop version. Thanks kiwi!
- 4.0.1 Updated 23.10.2022
- - adjusted the reels in the desktop view, and removed visible bulbs (looked like pegs :) )
- 4.0.0 Updated 23.10.2022
- - Updated to my VPX7 physics
- - added a playfield 3D mesh with the hole.
- - new backdrop image for the desktop version
- - Some small script updates, like the Rolling sound and PlaySoundAt routines.
- - cleaned up and deleted unused graphics & reduced the size of the table
- - Added my VPX7 LUT changer to darken the table (hold down LEFT CTRL while change with RIGHT CTRL).
- - Changed the Environment image to enhance a little the object shadows.
- - Made the light inserts warmer.
- - Added SSF sound commands.
- 1.2.0 Updated 31.12.2016
- - Updated for VPX 10.2
- - Fixed a few DOF command by Arngrim
- - Fixed a script switch (also by Arngrim)
- 1.0.0 released 20.12.2016
Thank you JP! Very, very nice table! It plays like the real one!!!
Gracias Amigo! Excelente trabajo!
Abrazo grande.
Tusen takk og god jul til deg og dine ! :-)
que linda quedo.....
Thanks for this awesome Table, JP 
B2S with your Images is done: http://www.vpforums....&showfile=12547

B2S with your Images is done: http://www.vpforums....&showfile=12547
Thanks Stat for B2s
Gracias Juan Pablo, como siempre excelente trabajo.
Wonderful playable table. Perfect physics for me.
great work, thank's
A little slower paced enjoyment is much appreciated; thanks. VPX lighting compliments the colors nicely.
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Love it!!
Thank you Sir!!