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  • Submitted: Sep 13 2016 06:11 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 12 2024 02:40 AM
  • File Size: 37.63MB
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Previous Versions

  • 11 Aug 2024 Download DOFLinx 8.10

Download DOFLinx 8.11

* * * * * 124 Votes

Note: From V8.12 onward releases of DOFLinx can be found here.
Version 8.x of DOFLinx containing;
Main program
Sample INI configuration files
Messaging program
Comprehensive guide
Sample vbs messaging file
Sample game table flag file
Update notes
Future Pinball vbs script
FX3 mapping files
TCP Reader for remote debugging
MAME game mapping files
FX table mapping files
32 and 64 bit version

What's New in Version 8.11 (See full changelog)

  • Later versions at https://github.com/DOFLinx/DOFLinx/releases
  • 8.11 30/8/24
  • - New 25 MAME files (5 games plus variants) -- thanks junkyard
  • - New FX files, all Star Wars and DS9, My Little Pony, Sky Pirates, Wrath of the Elder Gods, Kung Fu Panda,Brothers in Arms, Godzilla, Godzilla v Kong, Crypt of the Necrodancer
  • - New command line paameter of DOF2DMD= can be YES (default, so why would you) or NO to suppress the startup of the DOF2DMD utility at startup avoiding overlaying of any current DMD image. Will startup when first called by DOFLinx, ie starting a MAME game
  • - New real-time command of STOP_DOF2DMD to neatly shutdown DOF2DMD. Likely used from a front end menu after a MAME game before returning to s front end that has MAME and pinball stuff that also uses the DMD
  • - Fix bug where DOFLinx was not disconnecting from MAME and Pinball FX processes at the end of a game
  • - New support for updated score format in DOF2DMD
  • - Fix FP link working with the 64 bit version of DOFLinx
  • - New support for the very neat and nice Dude's Cab output device
  • - New check and display the version of DirectOutput.dll at startup
  • - New add detection of Pinball FX Goat Simulator and Princess Bride plus FX files
  • 8.10 1/8/24
  • - New for DOF2DMD when displaying banners while navigating front end menus, restore the past known good banner if a particular game fails to display
  • - Fix loop error when using a retry count with a PinOne device
  • - New for Attract Mode add a colour of "Morph" to change through a HSV colour range
  • - Fix plunger translation from analogue plunger to ball launch for Pinball FX3 and PinballFX
  • - New FX files for many Star Wars games
  • 8.09 19/7/24
  • - New, support for DMD2DOF for placing MAME marquee images on a FlexDMD device
  • PATH_DOF2DMD= the path to where DOF2DMD and its configuration file settings.ini can be found
  • - New right-click test menu for DOF2DMD
  • - New FX effect additions for skillshot, SSF for left and right kickbacks (ALL_Pre.FX)
  • - New where FX table has "Ramp/sensor_" as a trigger convert it to "sensor_" to avoid duplicate triggers. Remember to load updates FX files because of this.
  • - New allow an semicolon ";" to be used at the end of a line in INI files to indicate that the parameter continues on the next line. Mainly introduced to allow attract mode strings to be neatly broken down.
  • - New allow attract mode to use both DOOO and device names, ie BUT_ST, DV_LF, DV_FLIR, BUT_B6, etc
  • - New ATTRACT_START_DELAY= if set and above zero, this is the number of milliseconds to indicate the inactivity time until DOFLinx starts and Attract Mode button / LED pattern
  • - New ATTRACT_MARQUEE_TIME= if set and above zero, the number of milliseconds between random marquee changes once Attract Mode is triggered
  • - New right-click menu option to start Attract Mode for testing
  • - A stack of updates and new FX files, the full Marvel suite and a start on Star Wars
  • 8.08 22/6/24
  • - Force the animation name to upper case in the b2s test screen
  • - Fix, checking of PinballFX and MAME EXE when 32 bit application
  • - Fix, the Pinball FX "Right Flipper" issue
  • 8.07 10/6/24
  • - New design events and action processing engine to add speed of processing during games
  • - New FX files for Garfield, WorldWarZ, Noir, Trolls, Dragons, Kong, Noir, Twighlight Zone, Borderlands, Curse Mummy, Addams, Fish Tales, Bride of Pinbot
  • - Fix Test B2S reloading the backglass every test when its the same backglass
  • - New Improve the warning messages around DOFLinxkeys.exe not being in place
  • - New Allow for 32 bit users when trying to check PinballFX setup details, essentially skip the step
  • - New Add a message about being 32 bit when trying to check Mame operation and setup details
  • - Fix cascading nudge keys to work even when acelerometer nudging is disabled
  • 8.06 26/5/24
  • - New, add a check for the correct setup in the mame.ini file and warn if it looks wrong
  • - Fix, making the message thread wait to ensure CPU usage doesn't report as high
  • - More FX files, GrimmTales, Adventiureland, Han Solo, Knight Rider, Jurasic Park, 2 x South Park, Pacific Rim, Castle Storm, Pasha, Rome, Secrets of the Deep, Son of Zues
  • - Skip messages for FX game changes if there is a flood coming in and go straight to the last
  • - New MENU_NAVIGATION= message from front end systems to have DOFLinx perform navigation actions that are in Menu.INI
  • The guide on how to setup PinUp Popper for this has been updated to show how to send this message
  • - New Menu.INI file that contains actions that you want when the front end navigates or changes playlists, ie Mame / PinballFX
  • So Have DOFlinx drive actions on the cabinet as you navigate your front end menu system
  • - Initial speed up the FX processing loops
  • - Fix All_Pre.FX to get undercab lighting working again
  • 8.05 19/5/24
  • - New, check for running of pixelweb for pixelcade devices each time a MAME game starts, start it if its not running
  • - Improve the speed of the DOFLinx pipe for general messaging
  • - Skip FX game change messages that come in too fast for processing, ie when flying through the built in FX menu
  • - Skip front end menu messages for navigation super fast allowing the current marquee or B2S to be displayed in a more timely manner
  • - FX file for Biolab and the new (great) B2S that's FX specific by brewedenhell/BrewedVFX, plus Xena, Attack from Mars
  • - New, give focus after a B2S start for FX the same as FX2, FX3, and Mame
  • - Add game number recognition for Xena, Knight Rider, BattleStar Galactica, SL Football and Pacific Rim for Pinball FX
  • - With the building of FX files you will need to update your DOF config as the doflinx ROM has been updated for addressable LEDs
  • - Fix nudge with FX3 and get working with FX
  • 8.04 5/5/24
  • - Fix the checking in the DOFLinxSettings.ini for PinballFX that caused some false logging, nothing operational
  • - Unimprove the way that PinballFX table event alias work to avoid double triggering, because it caused trouble
  • - Sort out the PinballFX Play / Menu / InLane logic
  • - Make the PinballFX event processing faster
  • - FX files for CivilWar, Fish Tales, Marvels Women of Power A Force
  • 8.03 1/5/24
  • - Fix, get checking for plunger and nudge working for PinballFX , still not convinced that its driving through to FX or FX3 though
  • - New, Add the MAX_SCORE_CHANGE= as an option the game.MAME files in the [STARTUP] section
  • - New, SD=delay mS:commands option in the [SCORE] section of game.MAME files to execute commands a set time after the last score change
  • To be used to do things like restore a marquee after game scores stop changing, ie "game over"
  • - New for MAME high scores add logic to use the supplied MAME_HISCORE_FOLDER= then Mame\hiscore then \hi
  • Most people will not need to set this parameter
  • - Improve the way that PinballFX table event alias work to avoid double triggering
  • - Improve start process when you don't get PROCESSES= quite right
  • - More checking for the correct setup in PinballFX
  • - Fix SSF percentage volume
  • 8.02 29/4/24
  • - Add more variables to the variable log dump option
  • - Make attract mode save the values of the devices at start and restore upon stop
  • - Shorten the retry loop for connecting to MAME
  • - Add path selection to the B2S test screen
  • - Add checking for DOFLinxTrigger.dll in the PinballFX-Win64-Shipping.exe folder when Pinball FX startup routine runs
  • - Fix make the TCP connection loop for MAME more robust
  • - Make SSF_LOAD= specify speaker(s) to load the sound for as opposed to 3D coordinates
  • Note, you will need to replace your All_Pre.FX file
  • - Get the SSF volume working correctly
  • 8.01 26/4/24
  • - Fix a couple of SSF bugs that were causing grief for most to get it running
  • - Add FF_RUN, FF_SSF and FF_PC for MAME and FX3 as actions avaible from game.xx files
  • - New Attract Mode that can be run when your emulator is not to run a pattern of outputs meaning that LEDs, and buttons can be cycled
  • - New ATTRACT_MODE= 0 or 1 being off / on
  • - New ATTRACT_SETUP= being the pattern to display
  • - Remove FX file loading looking for a Default.fx as there will never be one given common items are in All_Pre.FX
  • - A quick and dirty Fantastic Four.FX file
  • 8.00 22/4/24
  • - New full integration with Zen's Pinball FX. Triggers coming direcdtly from Pinball FX (thanks Zen and freezy). A new DLL (DOFLinxTrigger.dll) in Pinball FX will send table events to DOFLinx.
  • - New DOFLINX.INI parameter PATH_FX= . This is the Path to your FX (Pinball FX) files thast link Pinball FX table events to output actions. Likely to have the shipped FX files within it.
  • - New DOFLinx.INI parameter PATH_FX_B2S= . This is the path to your B2S active backglasses for PinballFX.
  • - Make DOFLinx.LOG writing for DEBUG > 0 a shitload faster
  • - Add configuration parameters for Pinball FX to Create INI menu option
  • - FX files for all basic Pinball FX items - bumpers, flippers, slings
  • - Specific FX files for Indiana Jones, Addams Family, Sorcerer's Lair, Wild West Rampage
  • - Add a new right click test option to test by device name, ie "Left Flipper", "Right Slingshot", etc. This will test all ports associated with that device which is handy when you have mutltiple toys linked to the same logical device or are simply chasing some wierd arse fault.
  • - New FF_PROC as a new action type. This can be used to start a background process from an event. Usage is FF_PROC Command,Argument, ie FF_PROC SomeBatch.bat,Data
  • If you use this do so carefully, you could spawn a lot of processes quickly and that can bog your machine down
  • This was requested by some people trying to do tricky stuff on their cabinet.
  • - New add command line parameter EDIT_INI=YES to force DOFLinx to go straight to the DOFLinx.INI parameter editor
  • - New DOFLinx.INI parameter PATH_HI2TXT= . This is the path where Hi2Txt utility for getting MAME high scores has been placed. I'm using C:\Hi2Txt\ . Leave it out or blank if you don't have / want this.
  • - Add a new right click test option for Pixelcade devices and MAME high scores
  • - Add COLOUR_FILE= parameter to add clarity for non pinball users. Its exectly the same as DIRECTOUTPUTCONFIG= but makes more sense if you can have COLOURS=Colours.ini (and yes my North American friends, that's how you spell colour! :-) )
  • - Fix the default flipper key action logging to obey the debug flag setting
  • - New integration with Pixelcade devices, LCD / LED marquees, dot matrix dispays, etc
  • Show marquees when MAME games start
  • Show marquees and optionally hi scores when cycling through PinUp Popper menu
  • Use Hi2Txt to get MAME high scores
  • - Updates to many MAME files to drive Pixelcade devices
  • - New PATH_PIXELCADE= parameter. This points to the Pixelcade folder where the Settings.ini file is stored.
  • - New Pixelcade test screen from right-click menu when in debug
  • - New PIXELCADE_MENU_HISCORE= parameter. When displaying marquees while selecting from the front-end menu use =1 to have marquees alternate with hi scores and =0 to only show the marquees
  • - New PIXELCADE_GAME_START_HIGHSCORE= parameter. Determines if when a MAME game is started if high scores are shown in addition to the marquee
  • - NEW PIXELCADE_REPLACE_LED_MARQUEE_AFTER_ANIMATION= . Possibly the longest parameter name yet. Used to choose if after an animation is shown on the LED display if the marquee is put back afterward. Good to have set to 1 (yes) if you only have an LED display, but probably 0 (no) if you've got LCD and LED displays.
  • *** Note you need the DOFLinx MAME version 0.263 or later with DOFLinx V8 or later
  • - New ability for Popper to send menu event chages to DOFLinx so that MAME game names and high scores can be displayed on either the Pixelcade device or built in MAME score screen
  • There is a guide on how to set this up
  • - Updated the built in DOFLinx MAME score screen to look a lot better
  • - New addition of in built SSF - thanks NailBuster for the push and start, TerryRed for a lot of info and contextualisation
  • - SSF 7.1 has been setup as standard for Pinball FX within the table.FX file, mainly the All_Pre.FX so far
  • SSF can load multiple sounds for a named event then cycle through those sounds to achieve variety
  • Volume, X, Y and Z coordinates are set per sound
  • I am sure this is not perfect as I do not have a full 7.1 setup
  • - New SSF_ENABLED= 0 or 1 , 0 is the default being disabled, 1 is enabled
  • - New SSF_DEVICE= default is -1 being the default sound device
  • For a differnt saound device simply get the Windows sounds device #, to help DOFLinx will list all available devices and their ID's at startup if you have DEBUG= set to 1 or 2
  • - New SSF_SOUND_PATH= this is the path where the necessary sound files are stored
  • While you can set all of your own sounds if you want, DOFLinx is using Fleep sounds and they are in the \sounds folder of the standard installation ZIP

it was fixed :) immidiatly :) file not broken anymore :) 

where do you install this file does it go in future pinball folder or other pinball folder or install it in its own folder any help would be great thanks

Where we have to put this File?

Jan 03 2017 04:02 PM

Download is working for me right now. Fixed.

4.22C is missing???

Great work DDH69 on finishing the FX2 files! FX2 is just no fun without DOFLinx anymore... ;).

Aug 17 2017 02:11 AM

Question. For most .vpt files I get DOF effects and sounds for flippers, slings, bumpers, etc.  with vpx there is a pref to have dof effects only without sound.  is there an easy way to do this for VP9.x or is editing scripts to remove/comment out the Playsound commands the right way to go?

Cool! Thank you for taking the time!!! ;)

Is there a way to implement a TIMEOUT function like "MAX_FLIPPER_ON=6000" to the "KEY_TO_OUTPUT" toys?

In case things goes grong? to prevent solenoid get stuck a long time if assigned to some buttons/keys.

This could happend in rare but several cases, like FX2 being interrupted or force closed at some point.

Thank you!!!

I created a clone of the teensy and I try to test the DOFLinx MX with PX2/Xmen table with DOF config up-to-date. But nothing appear ...

In the DOFLinx Log, I can see my 3 ledwiz clone (arduino-lwclone), but nothing about the teensy/teensy clone

Do you know how DOFlinx detect the teensy ? is the DOFLinx source code available (for my teensy clone, I have modified DOF to sleep 5s after open the com port, so DOFLinx use DOF for the teensy management, or directly use the teensy)?


Thanks in adance

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