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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jan 03 2016 03:36 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 04 2016 12:21 AM
  • File Size: 34.1MB
  • Views: 8394
  • Downloads: 2,008
  • Author(s): BorgDog
  • Manufacturer: Gottlieb
  • Year: 1978
  • IPDB Link:
  • Permission to MOD?: Yes, without approval

Previous Versions

  • 03 Jan 2016 Download Pyramid (Gottlieb 1978) 1.0

Download Pyramid (Gottlieb 1978) 1.01

* * * * * 16 Votes
em gottlieb

This is a 2 player EM version of Gottlieb's Cleopatra which was available in EM and SS version. I ran across an old VP8 jpsalas version of Pyramid on one of those other sites, and  JP was nice enough to share even more of his resources than what was in the table, and with the more recent Cleopatra SS tables that have been done there were plenty of good resources, and I found a decent backglass image on the internet somewhere.  Used JP's code mostly for play logic, and went off to the races.  I happened to get enough resources to do something I had wanted to do with my Gemini table, and that was make two versions in one, yes TWO!  There is a old, rusty, faded, worn, yellowed version and there is a nice bright shiny version all in the same table.  Borrowed the idea from loserman76 and gnance for the hold down left shift to open the options menu, and let you choose not only number of balls and replay levels, but whether you want to play clean or dirty.  
So big thanks to jpsalas, loserman76, gnance and the internet.  Oh yeah and those guys who made VP10.
Thanks also to sliderpoint and hauntfreaks for the vp and graphics help as always.
Hold down left flipper key for options menu.
directb2s included
DOF by arngrim DOF factory

What's New in Version 1.01 (See full changelog)

  • fixed bugs in the tilt and scorebonus routines


Screenshots Screenshots

Excellent job. Physics and flipper control seem perfect. Really cool table too. These late-70's Gottlieb's have given me renewed appreciation for the company.

I really love the distressed look of this table.


One thing I really wish this table had is a High Score post-it note, like I've seen on some other EM tables.

Sep 30 2019 01:23 PM

Nice table thank you


Excellent table and a very good artwork. Congratulations. Thank you very much.

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