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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Sep 07 2011 07:09 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 13 2011 09:37 PM
  • File Size: 11.57MB
  • Views: 8036
  • Downloads: 1,750
  • Author(s): Rawd
    Rosve (B2S conversion)
  • Manufacturer: Williams
  • Year: 1975

Download Triple Strike FS B2S 1.4.3

* * * * * 7 Votes

Williams -75

B2S dual screen version of Rawds FS Release.
-The size and position of the backglass can be set in the ScreenRes file. No change to the table.

The text below is copied from the original FS release thread.

Thanks to:Greywolf Noah Fentz Wizards_hat UncleWilly Rascal Bob5453 JP Salas

Version 1.4.3

Changed a few textures to 24 bit from 32 bit. 32 bit textures showed as transparent with VP 9.10. Enjoy!

Version 1.4.2


- Fixed a post that was out of place on the right slingshot
- Flippers would continue to buzz if you were holding them both at Game end. Fixed
- "multi-ball" bug is fixed (cannot start a new game between ball drain at game over anymore)
- Bottom green stars would remain on when starting a new game after tilting. Fixed
- Bumpers and slingshots now die at game Tilt.
- Made the kicker a bit more random to emulate the real thing (too many drains down right outlane from kicker)
- Minor physics fixes


- Match play credit system (match last digits of score with random pick at the end of the game for a free credit)
- Replay system (score 139k and 259k for a replay credit)
- Replay card graphic added to the apron
- three-tiered sounds. (The harder the ball hits an object, the louder it is)
- Tiered nudging (Nudge has little effect near the top of the table) (Based on an idea from Noah Fentz, thanks)
- Added Startshake command to the Desktop version
- Stereo Panned flippers

This is my first VP table, and my first re-creation. BIG thanks to all those who helped me put this together....

GreyWolf: Greywolf supplied all of the texture work for the playfield and plastics. Without these textures, I never would have attempted this re-creation.

Noah Fentz: Gave me a ton of advice and spent many hours in the chat room with me explaining everything I was doing wrong. Noah helped me understand and implement the High score system, and at the begining he helped me understand collections. He also gave me some great advice on getting the physics working better.

Wizards_Hat: Dan is an awesome teacher. He took my code and reworked it all one night (I didn't ask him too, but I think he felt sorry for me, when he saw my screenshot with 32 timers.. lol) The next day, he sat in the chat room with me for hours explaining every detail, even when I had to ask him the same question 5 times. Without Dan, I would probably be up to 130 timers by now.

Rascal: Al really helped me out with alot of small things and good advice. He showed me how to run the magnet code from the core.vbs file to make the kicker hole as realistic as possible. He showed me how to set the ball to bounce over the hole at a certain speed. He also spent a bunch of time with me, explaining the nudge and tilt code.

UncleWilly: UncleWilly added alot to this project as well. He did all of the lighting work in photoshop, and he also animated my bumper, plunger, and supplied the side rails and lockdown bar image. I can't even draw a stick-man, so without UncleWilly and Greywolf, this table would look pretty bad.

Bob5453: Bob was there to answer my questions in the chat room, and I also spent alot of time going through his tables to learn how he does things. I learned alot from his scripts and tables.

JP Salas: I used JP Salas' magnet code, and plunger code, I also stole some of his posts and rubbers, amongst a few other things. His tables were a big inspiration for me to learn how to do this.

Sabbat_Moon: Die hard beta tester. Gave me lots of good info. Thanks buddy.

Chat room: Thanks to Noah for supplying a video chat room. Without it, this table would have taken 3 times as long to complete.

I spent a looooooooong time trying to get the physics as realistic as possible to the real machine. The EM flippers were a little bit difficult to emulate, but I think I got them as close as possible. I think the kicker at the top also works very realistic. It can be frustrating when it doesn't go in, but that is just like the real thing.

I really think this is a great EM (I have owned 2 of them). It has really fast gameplay, and it is quite addictive trying to beat your own highscore. I hope you like the VP version as much as I do!

Make sure to have this table in the same folder as your Core.vbs file (the magnet for the kicker requires it)

Special lane is set for 10,000 points, rather than a free credit.

Great table and fun to play
Very nice, any plans on using 1.5.0 version for next update? Thanks for an awesome playing classic guys
Yeah. I love these old tables. The graphics and ball physics in this table are quite nice.

Great EM classic, love your B2S tables Rosve, thanks again.


Mar 21 2015 03:49 PM

Thanks for that table! I enjoy it a lot!

brilliant classic e.m pin plays well thanks

Great thank you.

Beautiful. Thank you :)

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