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PinballX - How to run multiple versions of Visual Pinball

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#1 gtxjoe


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 01:30 AM

Assuming you have Visual Pinball setup already on PinballX.  Here is how I added a second version of VP.  


EDIT: Also read htamas' post below as it uses same approach but he has confirmed that making a copy of the VP folder is not necessary.


I setup Pinballx Visual Pinball to run VP9.9.  I then created a new "Visual Pinball DX7" folder and copied the entire VP folder there except the vPinMame folder.  I use this to play tables in VP9.2.1

Run PinballX Settings.exe, navigate to Other Systems page and create a new System entry (I used System 2)



In C:\PinballX\Databases folder, create a folder using the System Name above.  In this example: C:\PinballX\Databases\Visual Pinball DX7

In this folder, create an xml file based on the system name also, C:\PinballX\Databases\Visual Pinball DX7\Visual Pinball DX7.xml

Now just modify the original VP xml file and this xml file to contain the tables you to play with each VP version

Delete the unused tables from each VP install folder to save space



Just played T2 Chrome edition on 9.2.1 when I was checking this.  Man, that table is beautiful.  Thanks Tipoto!


DX9 Table Compatibility issue list here:  https://docs.google....p=sharing#gid=0

DX9 Table Upgrade Guide:  https://github.com/c...e-Upgrade-Guide

Edited by gtxjoe, 26 July 2014 - 11:08 PM.

#2 unclewilly


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 01:41 AM

Thanks for this

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#3 The Loafer

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 02:37 AM

Same here, this will come in handy

#4 striggell



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:02 AM

Thanks for this - I spent a few hours trying to get it to work on the weekend.


I did exactly what you've done but didn't think about creating a second VP folder.

#5 teppotee



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:13 AM

I have tried this in the past as well... basically it works but for some reason when using the "second VP" the screen remains black and VP opens somewhere on the background. Pressing some buttons may or may not bring it up. This never happens with the "main VP". 


Never though about creating a separate VP folder for the second system. Will try it soon. Thanks for the tip!

#6 htamas


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:45 AM

I was doing this also for a good while. The difference is that there is no need to copy the entire VP folder. I only have a single VP folder where both the DX7 and the DX9 executables reside. The separate database folder and XML file is sufficient. You don't even have to copy the tables to different folders. For me, they are all in a single Tables folder and the database XML files decide which version do I use for each table.

#7 rockyrocket



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:37 AM

I was doing this also for a good while. The difference is that there is no need to copy the entire VP folder. I only have a single VP folder where both the DX7 and the DX9 executables reside. The separate database folder and XML file is sufficient. You don't even have to copy the tables to different folders. For me, they are all in a single Tables folder and the database XML files decide which version do I use for each table.

That`s exactly how I have it too, works perfectly for me

#8 ArcadiusMaximus


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 07:01 PM

Awesome work !

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#9 zeenon



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:36 PM

So I would like to add this to the PinballX user guide and give credit to you guys but have one quick question....Besides the new XML, and the separate DB folder, you also need a separate media folder correct?



#10 dark


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:51 PM

This might be off topic here but I tried a help thread that got no response,  I run hyperpin and I run multiple exes with the notepad document in my settings folder.  This works pretty much flawlessly for me, but now I have 2 new tables that run on Physmod5.  Physmod5 is giving me some trouble with hyperpin, it loads the table up, I see it for a second, then it flashes and I'm back in hyperpin menu and you can see the back glass stuck to that table with the dmd active.  After exiting hyperpin you can see the table is loaded.  Any one know of anything I can do about this?

#11 gtxjoe


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:17 AM



Good catch - You are right.  In the Pinballx\Media folder, you need to create a new folder named the same as the new system entry and have all the usual media folders.  I guess you could also use a symbolic link to the Visual Pinball media folder, but I have not actually tried it.  (For symbolic links, I am using this plugin now since it support the right click menu context - http://schinagl.priv...extension.html)


Thanks for maintaining the Pinballx User Guide!

Edited by gtxjoe, 27 June 2014 - 01:20 AM.

#12 boiydiego


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 10:31 AM

can i do this also for the phsyscismod 5 exe ?


#13 slashbot



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Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:11 AM

The problem with vp990 and the physicsmod is that it uses the same registery key, so people with analog nudge devices will still have problems because the physicsmod uses a x10 less scale. Lets say u have x axis for analog nudge in vp990 set to 950 in physicsmod u have set it to 95 to have the same result of nudge.

So use these 2 versions in pinballx will work but u always have to manual change the nudge settings that realy sucks.

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Cabinet Bally Radical - setup 40'' Sony Led for playfield, 32''Led LG for Backglass, LCD screen for DMD, running LEDwiz32 12v setup with DOF and boosterboard to power toys 2x Siemens contactors for flipper feedback -2e audiocard + subwoofer setup to emulate VP flippersounds and vibration in cab (sounds fantastic) 1x red police light flasher.Lots of 5050 RGB Ledstrips bottom,back,top. 1x HUD-G for digital nudge all

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#14 arngrim


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:32 PM

You could use a reg file that you can launch at a certain vp version launched

#15 dyopp21


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:36 PM

thanks!  Following.

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#16 gigalula


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Posted 01 July 2014 - 01:06 PM

Or you can do like this  and simply add specific part to you table name ;)



#17 Wiggy07



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Posted 26 July 2014 - 07:43 PM

Thanks to everyone about the info of running dual versions of Visual Pinball through Pinball X.  I just set mine up because of issues with Simpsons Pinball Party and a couple other tables.  I was wondering if there is a more complete list of tables with incompatibility issues that anyone knows of.  I believe I saw the Excel sheet somewhere with issues online but was wondering if anyone off the top of their heads have a list also.  The two I have issues with without even looking are The Simpsons Pinball Party and Whitewater.  Thanks again for the help with the post.  

#18 Slydog43


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 12:09 AM

Great tips on setting this up.  I now have physicsMod5 tables working along side with my vp990.exe.  Now I'm thinking that I want to select only PhysicsMod5 tables from a list.  Is that possible too (ie only physicsmod tables and an all list)


OK figured it out with the documention section  Custom Groups/Lists.  Very easy, just have a PhysicsMod Only.xml file under the new VP section Database directory.

Edited by Slydog43, 28 July 2014 - 01:31 AM.

#19 lizard



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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:18 AM

I have just set up pinballx to run vp990 and physmod5. The DMD wont hold its position for the two physmod tables I have so far.
I set the size and position in the registry for each table the same as the default setting and it will stick for a while then reset the values of dmd_pos_x and dmd_pos_y to 0. It doesn't seem to matter if they are started with VP or through Pinballx it will randomly switch back after a few table starts and the DMD moves to the default position on the playfield.
I remember reading someone mentioning something similar but could not find it again. Any ideas.

#20 gtxjoe


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Posted 03 August 2014 - 01:08 PM

Just adding more info:


How to share media folders between multiple VP versions:



Symbolic link topic is also covered in the PinballX install guide they have over at their forums (covers sharing media between HyperPin and PinballX)