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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jul 06 2019 08:10 AM
  • Last Updated: Jul 07 2022 03:59 PM
  • File Size: 26.16MB
  • Views: 14946
  • Downloads: 4,772
  • Author(s): Bigus1, jbg4208, JPSalas, 32Assasin, Arngrim, Borgdog , Popette
  • Manufacturer: Bally
  • Year: 1979
  • IPDB Link:
  • Permission to MOD?: Yes, without approval

Previous Versions

  • 10 Apr 2020 Download Kiss(Bally1979)_Bigus(MOD) 2.3
  • 16 Sep 2019 Download Kiss(Bally1979)_Bigus(MOD) 2.2

Download Kiss(Bally1979)_Bigus(MOD) 3.0

* * * * * 35 Votes

This fast and fun table is from jbg4208.
3.0 has a new physics, new lights, lighting and layout
Enjoy :)

What's New in Version 3.0 (See full changelog)

  • Change log -
  • 1.2 - Complete rebuild in VPX - Thanks to 32assassin for the scripting the table the table start. Also thanks to Batch for the rom suggestion. kissc rom needed, or just comment out and use one of the other roms options listed in the script. Thanks to JP for allowing me to use his plastic images and misc other thins from his VP9 table.
  • 1.3 - Added DOF script per arngrim
  • 1.4 - Increased ball rolling sound and light reflections on the ball. Also, some minor physics adjustments to make the gameplay better.
  • 1.5 - Corrected play field lettering to match original table. Thanks to gregh43 for pointing this out and for further testing physics.
  • 1.6 - Pop bumper height adjustments also desktop view updates. All minor visual things.
  • 1.7 - Few Minor plastics update.(A little bit higher res.)
  • 1.8 - Corrected drop target actions by Borgdog. Physics tweeks.
  • 2.0 - Added wrd1972's LFHM physics tweeks and Rothbauerw's EOS flipper settings. Added ball shadow routine by Ninuzzu. Adjusted other table physics.
  • 2.1 Reworked lights
  • 2.2 New bright lights, playfield tweaks and physics
  • 2.3 New playfield, lights, lighting, ball

Aug 11 2022 12:02 AM


Switch to the kissb 7-digit rom if you use the DT background for the digits to display properly after updating to PinMAME 3.5

You need to edit the line with the solenoids and stuff after kissc. Just change kissc to kissb on that line because commenting it will disable all the other items on the line.


Hi Bigus 1, I can't get the music of this board to work........there is some mp3 to load?

Hi Bigus 1, I can't get the music of this board to work........there is some mp3 to load?

Hi Haran,


I'm certainly no expert but I think I can answer this for you. The 1979 KISS table doesn't have any music - it was an early solid state table. But if you want Kiss music to play (or any music you like), you can do the following (this works on my setup with this table from Bigus - and as far as I can tell this works with about any table, just change the relevant detail to suit other tables and other music).


1. Open the table in the VPX editor

2. Open the script editor

3. Find the section for 'Plunger Code' - you can just do a search for plunger code, and make yours look like this:

'Plunger code

Sub Table1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode)
    If KeyDownHandler(keycode) Then Exit Sub
    If keycode = PlungerKey Then Plunger.Pullback:PlaySoundAt "plungerpull",Plunger
    If keycode = RightMagnaSave Then MusicOn
    If keycode = LeftMagnaSave Then EndMusic
End Sub


NOTE: the lines we're adding here are the last two If statements assigning the magnasave keys to the MusicOn and EndMusic subroutines.


4. Go to the end of the script (anywhere you like really, but I put mine at the end because this is something I'm adding to the script).

5. Pick a spot after the last bit of code and paste in the following:

' Added myself to add music

Sub MusicOn
    Dim FileSystemObject, folder, r, ct, file, musicPath, myMusicFolder
    myMusicFolder = "KISS" ' the directory name where your mp3 files are stored, must be a subfolder of Visual Pinball\music
    Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    musicPath = FileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName(".") ' get path to Visual Pinball\table
    musicPath = Left(musicPath, Len(musicPath) - 6) + "music\" 'get path to Visual Pinball\music
    Set folder = FileSystemObject.GetFolder(musicPath + myMusicFolder)
    r = INT(folder.Files.Count * Rnd + 1)
    For Each file in folder.Files 'get every file in myMusicFolder, for each one count it and see if the count matches the random number
        if ct = r Then  ' random file found
            if (LCase(Right(file,4))) = ".mp3" Then ' can only play mp3 files
               PlayMusic Mid(file, Len(musicPath) + 1, 1000) ' PlayMusic defaults to Visual Pinball\music\, need to get myMusicFolder\song name
            End If
       End If
   ct = ct + 1
 End Sub

' Got this from Playboy 1978 - it repeats the song selection subroutine once the song finishes

Sub Table1_MusicDone

End Sub

6. save everything and exit out of VPX

7. in File Explorer on your PC go to ../Visual Pinball/Music

8. Create a folder in there called KISS

9. copy all your KISS mp3 files into that folder

10. Load up the table, and to begin the music playing (or skip to the next track), hit your right magna save (or Right CTRL key). If you want the music to stop playing, hit your left magna save (or Left CTRL key).

11. You should find that the script will select a song in that folder at random and play it, and when it has exhausted the entire playlist, it should start over automatically


That all works for me, I hope it works for you too.


Disclaimer, I don't know if posting this here violates any rules or goes against the spirit of this forum, but if so I apologise. Just trying to help. Also, I'm sorry but I can't remember where I got this code from (certainly wasn't me). I think I got it from the author of the 1978 Playboy table I have.




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